In every aspect of its engineering, the InBody Dial H30 is in a different league than other body composition scales. Features include:
Advanced Technology
Accurate, consistent results. Unlike many body composition measuring tools, which only use a single frequency and estimate various areas of your body, the InBody Dial H30 directly measures each segment of the body with three frequencies sent through eight electrodes, for more precise assessments.
User Recognition with Data Auto-Sync
Recognizes you when you test. With this device, there’s no need to enter your height
or begin tests with the InBody App. Instead, it identifies you when you get in the
testing position. If you enable Wi-Fi, tests get auto-synced with users’ InBody App
profiles, making it perfect for multi-person use.
Comparison Data
Highlights progress since your last test. See how many pounds of Weight and Skeletal Muscle Mass you’ve gained or lost since the last test, as well as changes in Percent Body Fat and Visceral Fat Level. The splash-proof, backlit LCD screen also
shows how each measurement compares to the healthy average.